Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Whiten Your Teeth With Baking Soda

Mission : White teeth, homemade style...hihihi

I was browsing the pantry for something interesting when this tiny jar of baking soda caught my eyes. No, I don't plan to bake anything today, but i was thinking of whitening my chompers...with baking soda!
That's right peeps..this humble ingredient in the kitchen pantry is all you need for that little 'microdermabrassion' for teeth

Baking soda is a household products with many wonders. It's a mild abrasive that effectively removes surface stains on your teeth. So, let's begin!

Step 1:
Mix one teaspoon of baking soda to water in a small bowl, enough to form a paste.

Step 2:
Rinse your mouth, then dip your toothbrush in the baking soda mixture

Step 3:
Brush your teeth, not exceeding 2 minutes, be very careful not to brush your gum as it may leaves a burning sensation. Then thoroughly rinse your mouth and the toothbrush

Do not exceed 2 minutes. Do not do this daily, every other day for the 1st week is okay, then proceed to once a week. The abrasions of the baking soda could erode the enamel of your teeth if used longer than 2 minutes or used frequently.

Dr Oz recommends adding lemon juice to the baking soda mixture (you can read abt it here), but I think I'm fine with just the baking soda.
So there you goes, no need for expensive teeth whitening treatment or teeth whitening kit.

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